Chronic Infections and Immune Health - Mold Illness
Mold Illness is a type of complex illness resulting from the accumulation of mycotoxins in one’s body. Mycotoxins are a type of biotoxin (a toxin produced by a living organism) that have considerable impacts on human health. Many common species of molds produce mycotoxins, and while some people are more resilient against their impact, others have a difficult time eliminating mycotoxins and are therefore more severely affected by their presence.

Mold illness is much more common than generally recognized. Its poor recognition is in part due to the unfamiliarity with its diagnosis and the complex patterns of seemingly disparate symptoms that can be quite different from one patient to the next.
It is not necessary for one to live or work in an obviously moldy environment to struggle with mold illness.
Complicating matters further, mold illness may also present alongside other conditions including Lyme Disease and its co-infections, chronic viral infections, MARCoNS, or an accumulation of environmental and synthetic toxins. Often an attempt to treat these other conditions will have been attempted, and despite doing all the right things, success can remain elusive if mold illness is also present.
As a result, a careful investigation to find clear diagnoses is important and necessary to accurately prioritize the steps of treatment for each individual person struggling with a complex illness such as this.
What might mold toxicity look like?
A wide spectrum of symptoms are possible from mold illness. Though they span multiple systems in the body, they are linked. Not all patients will have all of these symptoms, but the wide array of symptoms affecting multiple organ systems speaks to the complexity of the condition.
• Fatigue
• Severe Brain Fog
• Weaknesss
• Muscle Aches and Cramps
• Headaches
• Sensitivity to Bright Light or Loud Noise
• Unusual Pains
• Abdominal Pain, Nausea, Diarrhea
• Chronic Sinus Congestion
• Coughing, Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath
• Joint Pain with Morning Stiffness
• Cognitive Impairment
• Skin Sensitivity to Light Touch
• Numbness and Tingling
• Sensitivity to Electrical Shocks
• Disequlibrium, Vertigo, Dizziness
• Depression, Anxiety
• Internal Vibrations or Tremors
• Sensitive to scents or other chemicals
• and more…
Because of the wide-ranging and sometimes unusual nature of these symptoms, we know in some settings people have found the validity of their experience questioned, and their symptoms dismissed as psychogenic.
But rest assured:
• these symptoms are real – and not “in one’s head”
• the underlying factors responsible can be identified, and
• there is a path toward resolution – healing is possible!
Detailed Assessment
Our assessment will involve a detailed history, alongside specific questionnaires, to clearly establish your baseline symptoms and begin to diagnose your condition.
In addition to any testing and imaging you have already received (likely with unremarkable results), we may suggest additional testing, including:
• Visual Contrast Sensitivity Testing
• Mycotoxin testing – urine tests to identify exposure/presence of mycotoxins (mold biotoxins)
• Certain specialized assessments via blood work may be recommended
Mold illness is often NOT diagnosed alone – it may present alongside other chronic infections or toxic accumulations including Lyme disease, co-infections, and chronic viral infections.
Successful Treatment and Recovery is Possible
Treatment strategies for mold and mycotoxin illness are individualized according to the results of each individual but generally follow these guidelines:
• Identify and remove oneself from the environmental source of mold
• Support detoxification through the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract
• Encourage regular bowel movements and elimination of biotoxins with the use of binding medications
• Treat colonized molds in the sinuses and digestive tract
• Stabilize cell membranes and cell structure
• Include anti-oxidant support
Most often these treatments are effective in subtly improving symptoms over time. How long will it take to recover? There are no quick fixes in these types of complex conditions. But successful treatment is possible with the right knowledge.
In many cases, patients have been feeling poorly for many years. Recovering from the accumulation of mycotoxins, and the cellular injury that results, can be a slow process. Depending on the vitality of a patient, it is often said that recovery may be possible in 8-12 months, but it also may take 2-3 years, or longer.
In those patients who do not seem to be responding, we suspect a continuing exposure to mold from the environment and refocus on this element of the program.
Speak with our reception team to book a visit with Dr. Colin Race who has considerable expertise and experience in treating mold and mycotoxin illness.