Prolotherapy is a Regenerative Therapy
The best medical treatments are those that restore health to an injured or ailing part of the body. In the case of our joints, the supporting structures (ligaments, tendons,...

Mold: Part One
In recent years, mold illness has been gaining recognition as doctors have witnessed the significant role mold can play in the onset of an array of disparate and otherwise...

Mold: Part Two
Part Two: Mold and Mycotoxin Illness This article continues our discussion on the role of mold and mycotoxins in illness. To review, mold and mycotoxins can contribute to a...

Chronic Stress
Do you feel overwhelmed by daily tasks, have trouble falling or staying asleep or lack the energy you require to get you through a day without feeling exhausted? Then...

Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disease that impacts motor function and can sometimes begin to impact cognitive function. It has been increasing in prevalence in developed countries, including Canada. ...

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease in which the immune system breaks down the myelin sheath protecting nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord. This process is...

Reducing your Risk for Tick Bites and Preventing Tick-Borne Infection
Ticks are responsible for transmitting various diseases, Lyme disease being the most well-known, but other significant examples include Anaplasmosis, Babesia, Bartonella, and the Powassan virus, among others. Dr. Colin...

Acute and Chronic Lyme Disease: Symptoms and Testing
In our last article on Lyme Disease, we discussed how to best prevent a tick bite and what to do if a tick is found burrowed into the skin. ...

Lyme Disease: Treatment Approach
Introduction: Chronic Lyme disease, also known as persistent Lyme or post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS), is a complex condition that continues to challenge both patients and healthcare providers. This...