24 February 2014

Does Lower Cholesterol Prevent Heart Disease?

As it turns out, when all of the research from the past 20 years is thoroughly reviewed, we find that lower cholesterol only reduces risk for heart disease in...

05 March 2014

23 and Half Hours

This is the title of a great animated video posted online about a month ago by a medical doctor in Toronto. The title refers to the maximum amount of...

24 April 2014

Sports Performance & Food Sensitivities

Dr. Patti and I are tennis fans! We play as much as we can, there are courts all around Calgary, but we also love watching the Grand Slam tournaments...

13 June 2014

Eating Organic

Recently the Environmental Working Group published its 2011 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce. On behalf of Vive Integrative Health Group and environmental medicine experts throughout North America, Thank...

30 July 2014

Eating Healthy Fish AND Avoiding Mercury

Many people love to eat fish - for both the taste and healthy fats - but struggle with the fact that fish are a source of harmful mercury, a...

27 February 2015

Vive Health’s 5 Healthy Heart Tips

1.  Move your body! Your heart muscle, just like any other muscle in the body needs exercise to maintain top form.  You should aim to move your body for...

20 March 2015

Spring Detoxification

With Spring-time upon us, we all look forward to coming out of our winter hibernation with renewed energy and vigour. As we consider de-cluttering and ‘Spring-cleaning’ our homes, Spring...

25 June 2015

5 Ways to Improve Sleep

Considering that we spend a third of our life sleeping, getting good quality sleep is important for health. Unfortunately, I see a lot of patients struggle to feel well...

09 July 2015

4 Myths of Naturopathic Medicine

I recently found myself having an engaging discussion with a fellow passenger on a flight to Vancouver regarding my work as a Naturopathic Doctor. Like many people I encounter,...

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