14 February 2014

Preventing Colds and Flus

Our perception of microbes is often skewed. Television commercials and magazine ads instil fear through their portrayal of viruses and bacteria as little monsters with sharp claws and pointed...

17 April 2015

Seasonal Allergies No More!

The sun is shining and the warm weather is here, but for hundreds of people in Calgary, this time of year also brings itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, nasal...

12 June 2015

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Introduction It is estimated that 1 in 10 Canadians have some form of thyroid disease, many of which have not yet been diagnosed. The most common thyroid condition in...

05 August 2015

Vitamin D in Pregnancy and Infancy

Over the last weekend in June, the Naturopathic Doctors at Vive Integrative Health Group attended the biennial Health Fusion conference – an interesting and informative conference hosted by the...

25 September 2015

Castor Oil Packs

The castor bean (Oleum ricini) has a traditional use as a cathartic (strong laxative when taken internally) and has been used for constipation and to induce labour. However, a...

08 March 2017

Dry Skin Brushing

Dry Skin Brushing is an amazing way to soften your skin and rejuvenate how you feel! It is easy to do and only takes a few minutes of your...

28 March 2017

Sublingual Immunotherapy

Treating allergies easily and effectively with Sublingual Immunotherapy Allergies are very frustrating.  Symptoms are uncomfortable, they impact our energy and impair our minds.  Who wouldn’t want to get rid...

29 March 2018

Allergies and Allergic Rhinitis

Allergies, seasonal allergies, “hay fever”, or in medical jargon, “allergic rhinitis” (AR) are all names for essentially the same thing.  AR is extremely common affecting up to 25% of...

02 September 2019

The Change of Seasons: Boosting your Immune Health through the Fall and Winter

The change of seasons is in the air – the temperature is dropping, daylight is getting shorter and nature around us is starting to transform.  Our bodies and our health...

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