09 July 2015

4 Myths of Naturopathic Medicine

I recently found myself having an engaging discussion with a fellow passenger on a flight to Vancouver regarding my work as a Naturopathic Doctor. Like many people I encounter,...

27 July 2015

Sugar and Cancer

Over the last weekend in June, the Naturopathic Doctors at Vive Integrative Health Group attended the biennial Health Fusion conference – an interesting and informative conference hosted by the...

11 September 2015

Top 5 Things in a Naturopathic At-Home First Aid Kit

So what does a Naturopathic doctor have in his or her at-home first aid kit?  Here are some things that you may consider adding to your own first aid...

25 September 2015

Castor Oil Packs

The castor bean (Oleum ricini) has a traditional use as a cathartic (strong laxative when taken internally) and has been used for constipation and to induce labour. However, a...

03 December 2015

Your Pelvic Floor

Taking care of your pelvic floor is an important area of women’s health care and until recently, largely overlooked by mainstream medicine. Previously, it was thought that events such...

13 January 2016

Post Holiday Detoxification Challenge

Ready to start your year off with a bang? There's nothing like a new year to renew goals and focus on being a healthier, more fabulous you.  Our Naturopathic...

30 January 2016

No curry? No worry! Intravenous Curcumin: Background and Therapeutic Uses

Curcumin, a naturally-occurring phytonutrient found in turmeric, has been one of the most highly-researched natural medicines to date. An age-old Aryuvedic medicine used for a variety of conditions (owing...

04 May 2016

Facial Rejuvenation Therapies

Many patients come in with various skin concerns including acne, eczema, rashes, pigmentations and premature aging.  At Vive Health, our individualized approach ensures we examine and address the underlying...

16 June 2016

Gut Bacteria and Naturopathic Medicine

“The three pounds of microbes that you carry around with you may be more important for some health conditions than every single gene in your genome.” Digestion, gut bacteria...

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