Skin Health - Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin condition that presents as red, itchy, scaly dry patches. It can occur on the elbows, knees, torso and scalp. The condition is considered an auto-immune disorder where skin cells proliferate causing thick plaque-like rash. Psoriasis can also occur in a cyclical manner, going through phases of worsening and improvement.
Many patients with psoriasis are typically presented with the option of using immune-suppressing drugs and steroid creams. However, these drugs only have short-term effects and worse, can create fairly nasty side-effects long-term. Is there possibly another way to treat psoriasis?

Similar to other skin conditions, Naturopathic Doctors take a bigger picture approach to resolving psoriasis. Internal imbalances and concurrent health conditions can play a large role in the appearance of psoriasis. Areas of focus may include:
- Underlying food sensitivities
- Gut restoration
- Yeast overgrowth
- Heavy metal toxicity
- Lifestyle intervention
- Hormone balance
- Stress management
Taking a deeper dive in these and other issues can go a long way in resolving psoriasis once and for all.