Healthy Holiday Eating
Top 5 ways to avoid having a ‘food baby’
We all look forward to eating yummy, delicious foods during the holiday season, but we certainly don’t want to feel (or see) a ‘food baby’ pop up. Gas, bloating and distended bellies may occur during the holidays and occasionally can pose a more continual problem into the New Year. What if we can prevent that from happening in the first place? Read on for our 5 easy tips to keep your digestive tract in the best of shape!
1. Eat slowly– by the time your brain registers that you are full, you have surpassed the time you should have stopped by almost 20 minutes. Eating more mindfully and chewing your food can help you avoid over-eating.
2.Don’t wait until you are starving to eat– being hungry can also lead to over-eating. Also, when blood sugars crash (stimulating your hunger signals), you are more likely to crave sweets and unhealthy snacks. Blood sugar swings during the day also decreases energy levels and sluggish metabolism.
3.Drink lemon in water– a great digestive stimulant we highly recommend, either first thing in the morning or before your meals.
4.Keep hydrated– for all the caffeine and alcohol that may be consumed during the holiday season, ensure you increase your water intake as well. For every cup of coffee or glass of wine, replenish with at least 2 glasses of water.
5.Castor oil packs – at the end of the day, if you still feel the effects of a ‘food baby’, put your feet up and try using a castor oil pack over your abdomen. For more information on Castor Oil Packs, click here.
~ Dr. Patti