June 15, 2023

Optimizing Male Fertility

Male fertility has been declining for decades and now equals the role of female fertility in the difficulty couples experience when trying to conceive naturally.

Male fertility centers around the ability of a sperm to fertilize an egg and is dependent on several characteristics of sperm.

– the efficient movement of sperm (motility)

– the shape and size (morphology)

-and their quantity in semen (sperm count).

Research suggests that the whole spectrum of male reproductive concerns has been increasing.  One recent study showed global accelerated rates of decline in sperm count, which the author suggests is a marker of poorer health of men.1  This and many other research highlight the need to focus on optimizing male health and fertility.

Naturopathic Medicine is well-positioned to minimize the many factors affecting male fertility and provide great support for improving the success of conception. 

No matter where a couple is on their fertility journey, Dr. Patti devises an individualized approach that addresses all possible factors.  Even if a couple is using assisted reproductive techniques (ART), it is still essential to optimize male health and fertility to improve outcomes.

Thorough Medical History & Conventional Testing

Clinically, Dr. Patti approaches male fertility with a thorough assessment of the many health determinants influencing the health of sperm. This will include a look through the medical history for the following:

  • history of infections, surgeries, medications
  • dietary and lifestyle factors (including smoking/drug use, exercise, stress levels), a thorough case history is a necessary starting point. 

A patient may have already completed some of the conventional testing, including bloodwork and semen analysis. If something has come up with conventional tests, a referral to a fertility clinic is often the next step. A reproductive endocrinologist at a fertility clinic may then deem worthwhile further investigation with specialized tests such as a DNA Fragmentation test and genetic testing. Dr. Patti will have recommendations to best support improvement should there be any abnormal findings. 

Exploring Reasons for Declining Sperm Quality

There is no debate regarding well-known factors that negatively affect male fertility. These include: 

  • a poor diet and inadequate nutrient intake
  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • stress
  • drug and alcohol usage

These are all considered modifiable risk factors for which Naturopathic Doctors are well suited to address.

However, there is growing research connecting declining sperm quality with exposure and accumulation of environmental toxic pollutants. These chemicals can be found in plastics, fire retardants, medications, household products and even body care products. Dr. Patti will discuss this area in detail and provide recommendations on how to evaluate one’s toxic burden and the options available to minimize and eliminate exposures.

Declining testosterone levels can also negatively impact male fertility factors. Comprehensive hormone evaluation is typically recommended through more involved bloodwork and detailed testing via urinary metabolites. 

Other factors related to declining testosterone, such as muscle mass, adrenal health, stress management, heart health and circulation, are all assessed using our unique panel of tests referred to as the Lifestyle Impact Assessment (LIA).  Read more about the LIA here.

Treatment Options

Once a full case evaluation is made, Dr. Patti will create an individualized treatment plan covering a variety of factors to optimize male fertility. These typically include:

  • a food and diet plan to ensure a proper nutrient foundation
  • lifestyle recommendations to minimize toxic burden and support stress management
  • Nutritional supplementation targeting less-than-optimal clinical findings and drive biochemical changes
  • In-clinic treatments such as acupuncture and intravenous nutrient therapy

Dr. Patti aims to have her patients feel as though they are leaving no stone unturned in their journey toward conception and overall well-being, and the improvement in success rates are considerable.

Want more information?  Check out all things fertility at drpattiyik.com.

1.  Hagai L. et al.  Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of samples collected globally in the 20th and 21st centuries.  Human Reproduction Update, Volume 29, Issue 2, March-April 2023, Pages 157–176.

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