September 30, 2022

Prolotherapy is a Regenerative Therapy

The best medical treatments are those that restore health to an injured or ailing part of the body. In the case of our joints, the supporting structures (ligaments, tendons, and cartilage) can be injured or weakened over time creating significant pain. To be confident in using these joints (and our bodies) again to their fullest potential, the optimal approach to treatment will encourage the most complete recovery possible.

Prolotherapy is the ideal approach as it enables injured joints to heal such that they are no longer painful.

Compared to no treatment or standard anti-inflammatory treatments, a joint treated with prolotherapy will:

– regain greater strength and stability

– restore greater function

– recover more quickly and more completely

Normally, our bodies will mount a healing response in reaction to pain or injury, although it will often not suffice to fully resolve the injury. A joint treated with prolotherapy will heal more completely due to improved blood flow and deliver growth factors to stimulate the repair process more robustly.

The result is an accelerated healing process, a stronger joint, and ultimately greater confidence in the use of that joint going forward.

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