March 05, 2014

23 and Half Hours

This is the title of a great animated video posted online about a month ago by a medical doctor in Toronto. The title refers to the maximum amount of time we should be allowing ourselves to be sitting, lying or otherwise inactive through the day. 23 and 1/2 hours is a lot of time!

The message of course is that, given this amount of inactivity, there is no good reason we can’t be active for just 30 minutes a day, and the benefit of that should be obvious!

In terms of prevention, exercise will reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease – the two leading killers of both men and women. It will also keep the brain and body functioning well.

On a more immediate level, it improves our energy and our sleep. It helps keep stress at bay and keeps us happier.

Moreover, the more exercise we get, the more we want to exercise. It feels that good!

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